“Secrets of Successful Sourcing” Masterclass: How to find the right supplier from China

I’m very thankful for the opportunity to host a webinar with Junglescout’s Greg Mercer and Gen Furukawa this week.  We covered four key areas of sourcing:

  • Chinese cultural and value differences and “Guan Xi”: It’s a relationship business
  • Supplier selection strategy – First cast a wide net then go deep sea fishing
  • Negotiations – You get what you pay for
  • Quality Control – The Never-ending story

Here’s the replay in case you missed it!

By the way, Junglescout is one of my favorite research tools for selling on Amazon.  I use it myself and highly recommend it!

We covered a lot so let me know what’s your #1 pain with sourcing?

Author: Gary

I work with many Amazon sellers to help them source from China. I’ve managed multimillion dollar sourcing campaigns and have been sourcing from China since 2008. I also am an Amazon Private Label seller myself so I know what you’re going through. My goal is to teach you how to source from China quickly and easily so you can own a 7-figure online business.

5 thoughts on ““Secrets of Successful Sourcing” Masterclass: How to find the right supplier from China”

  1. That was great. Very informative points about the elements of Asian culture. I picked up Amasuite not that long ago because of the training, but this definitely filled in some gaps for me. Especially now that hijacking is more commonplace. Thanks again for the knowledge bombs!

  2. Hi. Where can I obtain a the sample purchasing order- and what payment terms would you recommend for a first time supplier buying from a Chinese market to sell on Amazon FBA.

    30% on first delivery and complete the balance on the remainder?


  3. Thank you for the great video. I am starting brand new and this video gave me a good overview of the process. Because I am brand new, when I request for sample, I will be making payment under my personal name and apartment building address, would the manufacturer not take me seriously? Also, being native Chinese American proficient in Chinese, would that give me an advantage or disadvantage?


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