Getting EXW pricing versus FOB? Which is “better”?

Reader question – about getting EXW pricing versus FOB.  Is one “better” than the other?


Hi, I’m Julie and have been following the Million Dollar Case Study. Thank you for your information. During the webinar you shared a sample RFQ. At the end of the RFQ you had some questions. Question number one was for photos, specifications, and EXW Quotation. What does “EXW” stand for?  Thanks, Julie S


First let’s take a step back and look at the big picture why we are requesting quotations in the first place…

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The key question is whether the product will be shipped by air or by sea. If by air then most likely it will ship direct from the factory to the US. In this case you will want to request EXW means that the supplier will factor in only the cost to manufacture the product and have it ready for delivery at the factory.

EXW stands for Ex Works where the supplier is only responsible for making the products ready for delivery from their location.  Normally this is the factory.  And the buyer (you) are responsible for all transportation costs the rest of the way.  In other words to ship it from the factory to your destination.

On the other hand, if shipping by sea then we would request for FOB quotations, or free on board. This means that the supplier is responsible for manufacturing the product, moving it to the port, clearing customs, and getting it onto the boat.

In cases of FOB, the buyer is responsible for transportation costs the rest of the way from the boat to the final destination.

For example if we wanted to ship lightweight electronics from Shenzhen to our fulfillment warehouse in Los Angeles by AIR, then we would request EXW quotations.

If we wanted to ship heavy tables from Shenzhen to Los Angeles, we probably would ship them by SEA to save on freight costs and request FOB quotations.

Going back to the Jungle Scout case study I assumed that the towels will be small and lightweight enough to ship by air there I requested EXW quotations.

Here’s my answer to another reader who had a question about shipping to Germany. 

I hope that helps!

Shipping by air? Two weeks before Christmas, Fedex’s International Economy sadly offers a TWENTY (20) day delivery lead time

Hatchimals, this year’s “Furby”, are one of the hottest selling toys of the year.  They are sold out everywhere, going for 2x retail on eBay, and the manufacturer, or actually the private label owner, cannot keep up with demand.  So what do they do?

Instead of shipping by sea like they normally do, they are resorting to expensive air freight to desperately try to get them on store shelves in time for Christmas.  But in reality their shipments may not arrive until 2017.  In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t arrive until Q2 of 2017 (remember Chinese New Year).

Hatchimals, the hottest toy of the season, needs to air ship their product to meet Christmas shopping season deadlines
Hatchimals, the hottest toy of the season, needs to air ship their product to meet Christmas shopping season deadlines

So as online sellers and Amazon private labelers, what can we takeaway from this?

I can share from my personal experience as one of the products we had manufactured in China is normally shipped by air from China to the US.  We normally use Fedex and they offer two air freight delivery options: International Priority with 3-day delivery and International Economy with 5-7 day delivery.  We normally ship by international economy to save on shipping costs as well as faster delivery and less customs clearance bureaucracy typical of shipping by ocean freight.

However we were informed this week (2 weeks before Christmas) that because of increased shipping volumes leading up to Christmas, Fedex’s International Economy option now had an estimated TWENTY (20) day delivery lead time.  This is almost 4x their regular delivery time.  And this puts it almost as long as shipping by sea!

On the other hand, the international priority option, while more expensive (about 40%), still kept to their original 3-day delivery lead time.  Fedex is smart to drive more business to their premium shipping option during the most critical time of year.

Two weeks before Christmas, Fedex’s International Economy now has an estimated TWENTY (20) day delivery lead time.  This is almost 4x their regular delivery time during non-peak delivery periods

As a result we decided to use the more expensive option to get the product delivered so as not to miss out on the end of the holiday shopping season.

Best practice: If you are expecting to ship product between now and Christmas you may want to double check with your freight forwarder to find out if they can maintain normal shipping lead times.  In other words, no surprises.

Lesson learned – plan ahead to have your inventory shipped well ahead of the Christmas rush.  This way you will not be forced to either take a hit on shipping fees or else lose out on holiday sales.


Shipping by sea? Your ocean freight costs may go up by 50% as 45 ships are stranded with over half a million containers as one of the largest shipping companies just filed for bankruptcy

Breaking news!  Hanjin, one of the world’s largest shipping company’s has just filed for bankruptcy protection.  Apparently they ran into financial troubles.  But the key point is this.

45 of their ships are “stranded at sea”.  Ports are not willing to let their ships dock because of their financial uncertainty.  As a result over 500,000 containers are in limbo now.  

Hanjin containers at the Port of Long Beach
Hanjin containers at the Port of Long Beach

If you have an ocean shipment currently in transit, I recommend you check with your freight forwarder to make sure that it is not on one of these Hanjin vessels.  If so, better prepare for delays.

Even if this didn’t affect you directly, you may be impacted because freight costs are going up!  The cost of a 40 ft container from China to the US is expected to rise up to 50% in the near future with Hanjin’s vessels going offline while ocean freight traffic increases as we enter the busy retail holiday shopping season in Q4.  According to freight forwarder Flexport, “The price from China to West Coast ports rose from $1,100 per container to as much as $1,700 on Thursday, while the cost from China to the East Coast jumped from $1,700 to $2,400.”

If you were affected please contact me and let me know your situation.  Sharing is caring – please forward this to anyone that might benefit.