My Favorite Entrepreneurial Podcasts.. So you can stay ahead

One of the keys to success among ecommerce entrepreneurs is that they NEVER STOP LEARNING.  

So to help you stay ahead I’d like to share four of my favorite podcasts.

Why podcasts?  Because I can listen to them while driving, working out, or running errands.  It helps me learn and stay ahead while getting other things done that don’t require my 100% focus.  

Also I’m always curious what people are doing OUTSIDE of the ecommerce space because you can always apply best practices from one industry and transfer them to another.  

Here they are in alphabetical order:

Akimbo – Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a marketing genius.  His book “Permission Marketing” is essential reading if you’re doing any sort of email marketing.  

In his podcast Akimbo Seth doesn’t interview anyone but rather gives a short class on marketing strategies and how we can change culture using real life case studies.  I learn something new from every podcast I listen to.  

Ecommerce Fuel – Andrew Youderian

Andrew Youdarian digs deep into the real of real world ecommerce seller challenges and successes beyond just Amazon.  Topics include Running successful Shopify stores, Scaling your business, and his annual State of the Merchant Report to get a pulse on what’s really working (and not working) for 7 figure ecommerce sellers today.  

Mixergy – Andrew Warner

This podcast is for real entrepreneurs.  Andrew Warner is arguably the Charlie Rose when it comes to interviewing entrepreneurs.  He asks the tough and uncomfortable questions that most interviews are afraid to ask (How much revenue are you making?  Even questions about marriage and relationship problems and suicide!)  

But he’s not just an interviewer as Andrew co-founded an 8 figure business in his 20’s and then decided to create entrepreneur interviews that he would love to have learned from.  Scratching his own itch!

The Tim Ferriss Show – Tim Ferriss

His “4 Hour Workweek” was like running the 4 Minute Mile for the first time.  They said it couldn’t be done… until it was. Now people are creating their own variations of lifestyle entrepreneurship.  Tim continues to lead the pack with his deep dive 2 hour long interviews of top business and social leaders including Arnold Schwartzenegger, Ariana Huffington, Jamie Foxx, as well as lesser known successful entrepreneurs.  I also love the experiments he runs.  

I’m curious what’s your favorite podcast and why? (doesn’t have to be business related)


Author: Gary

I work with many Amazon sellers to help them source from China. I’ve managed multimillion dollar sourcing campaigns and have been sourcing from China since 2008. I also am an Amazon Private Label seller myself so I know what you’re going through. My goal is to teach you how to source from China quickly and easily so you can own a 7-figure online business.

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